Our Courses

Our SCITT PGCE courses are tailored to support help you reach your dream job whatever your circumstances!

Which course is right for you?

All routes within the SCITT PGCE course give you the opportunity to develop your theoretical understanding of how pupils learn and how to teach as well as the opportunity to put this into practice.

The SCITT PGCE course includes:

  • At least 120 days in school on a placement
  • 3 placements across the year within our partnership schools with support from trained mentors
  • A supportive Lead Mentor who visits you in school to support with your progress
  • Experienced and expert facilitators with a passion for supporting teacher development
  • Input around SEND from experts in Ash Field Special School
  • Input around behaviour management from our local Behaviour Hub
  • English, maths and science input from experts in their field
  • At least 2 days input for all other subjects meaning you are equipped to teach all subjects in the primary curriculum
  • Training centres based in Dovelands Primary School, Abbey Mead Primary and Ash Field Academy.
  • Support with finding your first role in school as an Early Career Teacher

On successful completion of the course, you will gain QTS which means you can teach from Foundation Stage up to Year 6. You will also be awarded a PGCE (Post Graduation Certificate in Education) from the University of Leicester. This is equivalent to 60 masters credits which can contribute to working towards a full Masters qualification.

Time to make your choice!

Age range

  • Primary (5-11) - You'll learn how to deliver subject knowledge for teaching up to Key Stage Two, breaking this down into small learning steps. On your placements, you'll have the opportunity to develop your practice across the whole primary age range. You will also have the chance to observe practice in EYFS and Key Stage 3.
  • Primary (3-7) – Alongside the 5-11 trainees, you'll learn the principles of early learning and how to adapt your teaching to fit how very young minds grow and develop. We'll teach you all about childhood development and learning through play as well as more structured approaches. Your placements will be across EYFS and KS1 including opportunities to observe practice in nurseries and Key Stage 2.
  • Special Needs - You'll teach in two mainstream schools with your second placement in one of our fabulous Special School partners. As part of all of our courses, you receive SEND training from our partners at Ash Field Academy. This can only be applied for through the SEND route.
  • Maths - You'll be qualified to teach in Primary Schools but with additional training to specialise in Maths.

Please note: whichever age range or specialism you choose, you will be qualified to teach from EYFS to Year 6

Lead Delivery Partners

Trainees can decide to complete a SCITT PGCE through the Leicester and Leicestershire SCITT or can apply through our Lead Delivery Partner TELA (Thomas Estley Learning Alliance). If you are unsure which route would suit you best, please get in touch

Ash Field Academy (SEN)​ https://www.ashfield.leicester.sch.uk/

Thomas Estley Learning Alliance​ https://telaonline.co.uk/

The Primary (3-7) SCITT course is the best thing I've ever done. I was given comprehensive training in a wide variety of settings, excellent support and guidance and was well prepared for life as a teacher and beyond. In fact, now I am the EYFS Phase Leader and part of the Senior Leadership Team. I would definitely recommend the SCITT. Go on, go for it!

Rachel G, 2019

I trained on the Leicester and Leicestershire SCITT course and I can't recommend it highly enough. It's an excellent course and all of the tutors are constantly going out of their way to do anything they can do to help you. We are given the opportunity to get really stuck in and spend a lot more time working with children in schools. All of the trainers are people working closely within the local area and helping schools to keep their standards high which means we're all getting the best of the best training. I couldn't imagine going down any other route!

Rachel L - 2018

I am really enjoying my second placement & feel that I am learning so much with a gradually increased teaching timetable.
It really supports you in understanding the day-to-day life of being a teacher. This is also a great opportunity to further develop your teaching practice & try out new things.
The mentors are also super supportive! 🙂

Tamika - 2023/24 trainee

The first few weeks have been challenging, they have been intense and have definitely been time consuming, but being organised, prepared and being open to feedback has helped me to overcome these challenges.
For me, joining the SCITT has been one of the best decisions I have made, and I am really looking forward to what the rest of the year brings!

Abdullah -2023/24 trainee